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Showing posts from January, 2009

Waking up, Post-Inauguration

Boarder Collie whimpers Wanting sunshine lapping With winter waves on January shores. Acidic Liquid billows mildly Coffee pot grumbles and trickles Its morning chore. Patriots the world round carry Heavy metal duties that burst Into flame. One kills a Muslim, another a Christian Palestinians scream, Jews roar, Americans Rant All cry for their troubles. Early light silhouettes ancient alder trees Eagles and seagulls flaunt themselves Paper kites swirling over ocean mirrors Barrow’s Goldeneye bobbles, flecking Water from its angular tux, watching Honey illuminate the Chilkat range A flock of green headed Mallards dips Deftly beneath – sounds of rain drops They call each other nasally quacks A million or more gathered, heaping Their hopes on the shoulders of a Slender well spoken man whose words Billowed through the throngs like a giant “America’s ready once more.” White caps are kicked up from a northerly Wind. Bulbous and fluffy cumulus clouds Lumber lazily, while thin icy shee...