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Showing posts from April, 2010
i've plugged in the television turned it to channel snow with its steady raspy whisper snow is cold it comes during winter like wet salt or cotton balls its getting to be spring now birds are starting to scream and the air is damp and warm channel snow will keep the smell down, cover these bodies in my kitchen with dusts of ice you can get an orange extension cord 120 feet long for thirteen dollars at home depot, a small pulley and two bolts for eleven eighty five every wednesday they'd stop by the light, the word, some salvation i'd asked them politely four weeks in a row. four weeks. not to come given the weight of the television and the force it takes to separate the metal prongs from the plug-in i had to buy three zip ties thought of it late so i stopped at the drug store mellisa has almond eyes and large breasts a gold crucifix precariously tittering on the verge of suicide canyon since she turned nineteen i've joked about her cross to bear and every friday night a...

The Thunder of David #68: In the Fifth Tone

No longer let our voices fall to a whispering march of death. Jam your baritones and inflections through songs for a god gone dead Make the earth shudder under your footsteps as you let the wind take the pages like a flickering flame Make your presence known through the howling sleet and rain - scream in the faces of distorted kings, spit on their robes and shit in their eyes Cast your fury like the waves and witness the smoke of god vanish in the shadow of a cat, feast upon the words that wither like the grass Smear the self indulgent prophets in sweat and mud, drown the child of the Euphrates and piss on his holy stone Go horse in your burning wrath, sodomize wretched Isaiah, suffocate him in the wallowing tears of Job, let the blood of your hatred flow like wine Drink of your consummate supplication steeped in rage and disgust. Let it sustain you to shake the pillars and columns of his temple to the ground Dictate your commands and bask in the boundless power your existence brings t...