American people
Don't you understand?
Freedom is free!
Stand here and watch
As powerful kings bestowed
by God shake hands and smile
Cameras flash, smiles fade
The buck is passed from
Hand to hand
Ideals of Christ are bought
and sold. Brotherhood comes
at a price
American People
Don't you understand?
Freedom is free!
Israel's screams echo
In the halls history, collective
suffering and a people's guilt
becomes public policy
Money changers sell
humanity at the temples gates
Democratic votes smell of
Silver. A lot of thirty cast upon
a hill of shame.
American people
Don't you understand?
Freedom is free!
Don't you understand?
Freedom is free!
Stand here and watch
As powerful kings bestowed
by God shake hands and smile
Cameras flash, smiles fade
The buck is passed from
Hand to hand
Ideals of Christ are bought
and sold. Brotherhood comes
at a price
American People
Don't you understand?
Freedom is free!
Israel's screams echo
In the halls history, collective
suffering and a people's guilt
becomes public policy
Money changers sell
humanity at the temples gates
Democratic votes smell of
Silver. A lot of thirty cast upon
a hill of shame.
American people
Don't you understand?
Freedom is free!