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A Sad Joint Effort

Attempt 1:

Uncle Sam rapes small children
Stricken with obesity
He's got a nefarious plan
Wrote it down on a 10 Dollar Bill
Buying Senators on Capitol Hill
Who dance before the parents
In flaccid pools of blood. Reflecting smiles

Attempt 2:


Hanky Danky child of Abraham
Humorous pranks from God. Asking sacrifices
Writes a thick cooking book with fancy spices

½ Cup of salt and a dash of sin
(some lust, a lie, or a vain virgin)
2 Sticks of Absolution
And television (mind pollution)
A teaspoon of donkey dick piss
Spit out from that prostitute's lips
6 pounds of meat! (cries dear Ruth)

Attempt 3:

Rotting apple cores left in the Garden
Used, corrupted self-fertilized seeds
Plant disfigured kings, lusting for sisters
Who in turn lust for each other

A twisted cycle of hateful love
No Oedipus, no Freud
These aren’t objective subjects

Seed-core-sin, say it ten times fast
And let your tongue drown in
Forbidden fruit

By Panganga and Forest


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