Watchful eye of a whale
'Yes, very much like a whale'
distorted reflections, the foolishness
of appearance. My body is a wave
becoming the sky
18 feet tall, giant narrow head
genitalia indistinguishable
"This is our church," she said, "without
the alter or the people and their prayers"
Something seen is consumed. It observes until
its dried up and dead
Walking in the eye of the earth
mud is stirred, slimy stones, a stie
Water's judgment will only kill you if you
breath its mercy, a stupid sin
a babies baptism is for the urine and shit
not her soul
Blessed be this hot water tank, may it sprinkle
the healing grace of Christ our savior while masturbating
in the shower
"Seminary's not for you perhaps"
Sitka Spruce eyelashes only sway, no blinking
Early morning swim through vitreous humor
high in beta-carotene
A vision that's 40 feet deep and a mile wide
no prescription necessary
Living life, constantly scrutinized by a judgment
that's clear and drinkable
Source of all
we worship in confused rapture
'Yes, very much like a whale'
distorted reflections, the foolishness
of appearance. My body is a wave
becoming the sky
18 feet tall, giant narrow head
genitalia indistinguishable
"This is our church," she said, "without
the alter or the people and their prayers"
Something seen is consumed. It observes until
its dried up and dead
Walking in the eye of the earth
mud is stirred, slimy stones, a stie
Water's judgment will only kill you if you
breath its mercy, a stupid sin
a babies baptism is for the urine and shit
not her soul
Blessed be this hot water tank, may it sprinkle
the healing grace of Christ our savior while masturbating
in the shower
"Seminary's not for you perhaps"
Sitka Spruce eyelashes only sway, no blinking
Early morning swim through vitreous humor
high in beta-carotene
A vision that's 40 feet deep and a mile wide
no prescription necessary
Living life, constantly scrutinized by a judgment
that's clear and drinkable
Source of all
we worship in confused rapture