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Waiting in the rain
until bones gone soggy
blood like slush aching
clenched fists

The bar rumbles with waves
of laughter, old rock songs
tinkering of beer bottles
ice in clear glasses

saw her once, all flesh
heavy breathing, in rhythm
with a man, the rain slid
down her cheeks and collar
bones like olive oil, white
teeth glowing in the twilight
wide smile thanking god

standing under an eave across
the street, eating blueberries
I witnessed the pleasures
of immortality

Swaying like a falling alder
leaf, her eyes wander lazily
trying to remember the ground
a smooth wild pendulum

"You know how this is young
man, without a crystal moon"

"I want you in the rain
always singing of immortality"

Metal buttons, cold wall,
starchy stiff jeans pulled
past soft milky thighs,
rain water warmed by skin

twisting, jittery excitement
folding, consuming, gripping
shallow drowning breaths
until life is knotted
loosened again, drained
already forgotten

Leaning now, buttocks in hands
smells of mud and night, liquor
and cigarettes

"It only takes a moment
to journey beyond the stars
and crystal moon behind darkening
clouds," she's whispering, tasting

Immortality slowly saunters away
to the rhythm of the rain


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