I made a salad with Washington
greens today. Deep pocketed businessmen
and pock faced politicians assure me
of their healing powers
Those who've suffered the yoke of power
who've swallowed first world trash
who've kissed the marbled asses of corruption
aaaa to compete, to survive
Who've sucked the sour nectar of poverty
Fear not! Dip yourselves in vats of cash
aaaa to heal your wounded land and mind
Those who've proffered from smiling deception
Who've banged the proverbial capital whore
aaaa just one more time
Who've wielded wealth like a sword, beheading
aaaa anyone in your way
Who've danced to greed while golden towers
aaaa tumbled down
Fear not! Dip yourselves in vats of cash
aaaa to heal your bleeding pride and pockets
A little dressing on these greens gives
quite the zing. Swallow down our shallow
penance, and pray to god that a trillion
or more will save our souls
greens today. Deep pocketed businessmen
and pock faced politicians assure me
of their healing powers
Those who've suffered the yoke of power
who've swallowed first world trash
who've kissed the marbled asses of corruption
aaaa to compete, to survive
Who've sucked the sour nectar of poverty
Fear not! Dip yourselves in vats of cash
aaaa to heal your wounded land and mind
Those who've proffered from smiling deception
Who've banged the proverbial capital whore
aaaa just one more time
Who've wielded wealth like a sword, beheading
aaaa anyone in your way
Who've danced to greed while golden towers
aaaa tumbled down
Fear not! Dip yourselves in vats of cash
aaaa to heal your bleeding pride and pockets
A little dressing on these greens gives
quite the zing. Swallow down our shallow
penance, and pray to god that a trillion
or more will save our souls