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Unknown Person Shot

“This is the path that a Pennsylvanian man took to shoot and kill Magic. There was no justice. There was no reason.”

All there are are rows and rows of houses. Like the streets of Selcuk. The wind is blowing a slight dust. The light is silvery and grainy. For some reason there is a kind of music in my head.

The beginning lines are being said by a narrator. As if I am part of a movie. Or as if I am the Pennsylvanian man, who's shot Magic.

I get to Magic's families house. I met this family before on a mountain. I was on it with Kent. It was an amusement mountain. Only. There weren't any rides. It was all about people hiking up to the top of the mountain and taking anything they could - bikes, moccasins, unicycles, inter tubes, one girl with a blown up dinosaur sitting on a castle with goggles and a mouth guard - Kent was there with me. At the base of the mountain, was a castle like structure that skirted the base of the mountain. There were showers and places for people to sit and watch others tumble and glide down the mountain.

In one instant, Kent decides to go to the top of the mountain. I go ambling off in random directions waiting for him to come down. I see strange things. There are couples and individuals doing just strange things. Two men riding unicycles totally fucking wipe out trying to get down this insanely steep embankment of dirt and grass. They wipe out badly and hysterically happy get back up on their unicycle and go for another round.

A mother with her children (the one with the girl and the dinosaur inner tube) pass by me. There are two boys. Well. Only one that I can see. They seem to be done with the mountain and are leaving, there is a child screaming and throwing things around in a convenience store or a gift shop that is located at this place. The mother says that she's leaving him. The screaming stops and the mother and her family disappear.

I am constantly asking people about Kent. Where he is. Weather or not they have seen him. There is a husband and wife, Kato and Steph, still dressed in their wedding digs, who come slowly down the steep mountain face on an older Schwinn model bike in front of me. When the reach me I ask them if they have seen Kent. They nod an affirmative and say that by the time they had started going on down he was just summiting.

I sit and I wait.

This is where I met Magic's family. They all seem to be a portly lot. The father and Magic's brother, Alexei, sit across from me. The father looks Turkish and is wearing a black Metallica T-shirt. The son sitting next to him doesn't look anything like a Turk. He looks like a chubby Ukrainian boy.

"Where is he? huh? You telling me that my crazy punk rocking son, just got up and left. Went home to be lazy and do nothing? No. Where is he?"

The father is talking to Alexei. Alexei looks shy and pissed at his father's questions. Alexei has no idea where is brother Magic is.

Eventually, after yelling some more, asking the same questions over and over again, the father turns to me. He smiles broadly and motions to me to come sit next to him. Typical Turkish man.

He looks like he is getting ready to tell me all about his son's exploits. How great he is. But, all he does is ask:

"Do you know where my son is?"

The wife with a tiny baby come up to this father and Alexei. She brings a time to go feeling to the air. She looks so tired holding that smiling baby. She has a middle aged womens beauty. One that you marvel at all the things she's seen and done. When the baby looks at her mother, it smiles and smiles. The baby is so very quiet.

"I don't know where magic is." Says the Father.

They leave. I am left alone. I get tired of waiting for Kent. There is a great uneasiness about everything. I leave the strange mountain amusement park with no rides to be found. Upon getting down into some city blocks I find a park bench and fall asleep.

I am awoken by a ache in my heart. I am crying. I don't really understand why. I begin walking. I hear the narrators voice.

"This is the path that the Pennsylvanian man took to shoot and Kill Magic. There was no justice. There was no reason."

I walk along city block upon city block. I find the family's home. There are fifteen too twenty cars sitting outside the apartment complex. I enter and begin climbing stair case after stair case. I reach an upper terrace and look down into a courtyard. Alexei is talking into a cell phone, on his knees yelling and weeping.

I go up one more flight of narrow winding stairs and there sitting in a tiny room is the mother and tiny baby. She smiles at me and so does the baby. The baby's smile is a bit strange. It seems like an adult smile - one that has too many teeth and is hiding something.

I reach out for the mother face to give my condolences. Tears are quietly running down my face, but she just smiles softly. Looking tired and helpless. I kiss the babies forehead that is in her lap. I cry and she places her hand on my back and brings my head down on her lap next to the baby. I fall asleep.

At 4:52am I woke up from a strange dream...


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