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Action - 9/11

A history has unfolded before our eye's that needs to be told. It is a history that entails a government that has apparently manipulated and twisted peoples fears to conduct a war on premises that later turned out to be an unqualified falsification of the facts – the truth about this war revolves around intensions of political maneuverings, greed, and grotesque perpetuations of an imperialistic "democracy."

The history which has unveiled itself under the current administration has proven itself as one in which corruption, ineptitude, deceit, hate, and freighting displays of political mongering, are common, even accepted, practices and precepts.

The history of our time has shown, over and over again, that our press and media's integrity has quickly eroded at the feet of corporate interests for profit, rife with political slants which contort and strangle any relation to reality. We are left hearing and watching programs which falsify facts (or completely avoid them) and indoctrinate a dogma of malice for everything from immigrants and homosexuals to whole ethnicities of peoples. In certain respects, we've been fed an ideology of genocide pertaining to political affiliations, sexual orientations, and religious beliefs.

Our history suffers from the slaughter of certain inalienable rights. In the violent ecstasy of war, we've witnessed and allowed an invasion of our privacy and what's more, the complete disregard for the due process of law and humanity.

This history breathing upon us now is one that embodies a culmination of environmental degradation which must be addressed by all peoples – the affluent not withstanding. Without taking strides in our private and public lives to wield positive contributions to environmental issues, we face grave consequences indeed.

We face a history to be soon told of a country that forcefully and selfishly imposed the 'rights' and 'wrongs' of how people and governments 'ought' to be conducted. Completely disregarding others rights and disrespecting other cultures and histories on a whim of assumptions, we bare witness to yet another atrocity of policy, costing civilian lives, billions of tax dollars, and untold years of bleak conflict to come.

Let it be known that this September 11th of 2007 will be a day of recognition. It will be a day that we mourn countrymen who died. It will be a day where we recognize the manipulation that our government spun with our countrymen's deaths. It will be a day where I protest against the ills of society – corruption, war, prejudice, and environmental degradation not the least among them. It will be a day that I reject the principals that our government has recently lain before us – opting for a more responsible, transparent, and peaceable governance.

If you even partially agree with some of the narratives I've suggested here – please take action. I don't care what you do – walk the streets with signs, share your thoughts with colleagues, write senators, avoid consumption, pray…show that you will not stand for a society or a government that consistently validates itself as destructive, deceitful, narrow-minded, and hateful.

Forest Kvasnikoff


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