Fuck Dixon and Griffin
Their brotherhood with Wilson
Fuck Their Nation
Birth of solemn
Strange Fruit
I wail and weep at their
White deserts of morals
I curse and spit at these
White deserts of morals
I bleed their hatred onto
White deserts of morals
I hate
I hate beyond torment and rage
Hate without screaming rape
Hate that burns without flame
A hate that is silent and unquenchable
Fuck Dixon - his white cloaks
Fuck Griffin - his white Black face
Fuck Wilson - his white Freedom
Fuck Their Hate and their white oaths
I ignite the crosses they bare
Murder their white Christ
Suffocate their Birth
A child without innocence
Smothered with impunity...
I see you in me but
Fuck relativism - I hate
I see you in me so
Fuck you - I forget
This Hatred
I see you in me
This Hatred you bred
With your Birth
you die - it dies
This hatred - gone
Forgotten - not remembered
Thoughtless winds blow your
white deserts or morals
Into the desolate white
Never know - Never uttered
Their brotherhood with Wilson
Fuck Their Nation
Birth of solemn
Strange Fruit
I wail and weep at their
White deserts of morals
I curse and spit at these
White deserts of morals
I bleed their hatred onto
White deserts of morals
I hate
I hate beyond torment and rage
Hate without screaming rape
Hate that burns without flame
A hate that is silent and unquenchable
Fuck Dixon - his white cloaks
Fuck Griffin - his white Black face
Fuck Wilson - his white Freedom
Fuck Their Hate and their white oaths
I ignite the crosses they bare
Murder their white Christ
Suffocate their Birth
A child without innocence
Smothered with impunity...
I see you in me but
Fuck relativism - I hate
I see you in me so
Fuck you - I forget
This Hatred
I see you in me
This Hatred you bred
With your Birth
you die - it dies
This hatred - gone
Forgotten - not remembered
Thoughtless winds blow your
white deserts or morals
Into the desolate white
Never know - Never uttered